The Central American squirrel monkey (Saimiri oerstedii), also known as the red-backed squirrel monkey, is a squirrel monkey species from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Panama. It is restricted to the northwestern tip of Panama near the border with Costa Rica, and the central and southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, primarily in Manuel Antonio and Corcovado National Parks
With two subspecies called Saimiri oerstedii oersted and Saimiri oerstedii citrinellus that live in two geographically separated populations on the Pacific coasts of Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama, below 500 meters above sea level. Prefers secondary forest.
The length of the body with the head reaches 26-33 cm, the tail 36-39 cm. It weighs between 0.5 and 1.1 kg. The female is smaller than the male. The face has a white mask, the ears and chest are whitish, in contrast to the muzzle, eyes and crown, which are black; the shoulders are brown to yellowish gray, the back is reddish brown to orange, and the legs are gray, with orange hands and legs; the belly is whitish to cream-colored; while the flanks and tail are yellowish; The thighs and base of the tail are yellowish brown to olive brown and the tip of the tail is blackish.
These are diurnal and arboreal animals that live in groups of 12 to 66 individuals, which move in an area of 0.2 square km in 5 km in a day. For this reason they are different than other squirrel monkeys because they live in smaller groups. Usually the other families of squirrel monkeys live in groups of almost 300 members in comparison. In Central American squirrel monkey families, mothers care for their children and sometimes help with the children of other mothers in the group.
The scarlet macaw, macaw macaw or flag macaw (Ara macao) is a species of psittaciform bird belonging to the psittacine family and the national bird of the Republic of Honduras. In addition, it is one of the nine existing species of the genus Ara, of which it is one of the largest, reaching 90.7 cm in length and 1 kg in weight.
It is distinguished by its brightly colored plumage, which is mainly scarlet red, complemented by some blue and yellow and green feathers that start from the wings to its tail.
It lives throughout a wide range of distribution that extends from the southeast of Mexico to the foothills jungles of the department of Cochabamba in central Bolivia, in tropical humid forests near large streams of water, at altitudes ranging from the level of the sea up to 1000 meters above sea level. Two subspecies are recognized: A. m. macao (South American red macaw) and A. m. cyanoptera (Central American red macaw or scarlet macaw).
It is a species with diurnal habits and very social, which can form flocks of several dozen members, which gather to look for food, groom themselves, protect each other and sleep together. The dominant members of the group are usually adult males of breeding age. They communicate primarily through vocalization, with loud, low-pitched squawks.
It is an endogamous species that begins to reproduce at four years of age, laying between one and four eggs each breeding season, which runs from November to May.
Its diet consists predominantly of seeds, although it also consumes fruits, nectar, insects or the flowers, leaves and stems of certain plants. In addition, they complement it with minerals that counteract some toxins present in their food, which are difficult for them to digest and can be toxic for humans.